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Stampin' Up! Sunday Swap Day, More Halloween!

Stampin' Up! Ivory Zora Has Arrived!

Hey there! Baby Ivory Zora has arrived! It was a long night, but Ivory didn't make us wait all day to see her! She arrived at 11:20 a.m. yesterday, October 7, 2016! Amazingly, I had picked her birthday months ago! Shortly after all of our grandbabies' coming is announced, a family poll is taken. Everyone guesses the date we think the baby will arrive. I think this is the first of all 9 grandbabies that I got it right! Here she is!


Her color is PURPLE, in case you haven't guessed it! She has some hair, about the amount her mother had when she was born.

A mama and daughter selfie, just a few hours after her birth!


With biggest brother Oakley. Lando was in too much motion to get a pic with his baby sister, although he seems to think she is pretty great!


My first chance to hold her!

Ivory  Grammie

We were all happily exhausted by the time she arrived. I have been blessed to be present for all three of Alisa's babies' births. Truly a miracle from God, and we are so thankful!

I'm going to keep this post short and sweet, but I hope to be back tomorrow morning with a Sunday Swap Day for you!

Until tomorrow, have a Stampingrox! day!




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Carol Payne

Thank you, Carol and Cuny. Grandchildren are the best!


Congratulations from a grandmother of 8 in The Netherlands.

Carol carriveau

Welcome Ivory Zora (what a great name!)......she is gorgeous like her mom and grandma! Cannot wait to see more pictures.....congratulations to your family and to you for guessing the correct birthdate! Hopefully she will grow to have her grandma's craftiness! Big hugs from one Carol to another, though I am a great aunt but not a grandma! Purple is one of my fav colors....Love it's!

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