Stampin' Up! On Stage Live in Salt Lake City!
April 14, 2016
Hey there! I'm in Salt Lake City, UT for Stampin' Up! OnStage Live! Yesterday travel day that started in the wee morning hours so my travel buddy, Joanne Cantrell, and I could get the St. Louis airport. Actually my day started off with a bang, waking up with a start at 4:30 to discover we had no power! Scared that I had overslept, I fumbled for a cellphone check the time. I laid back down for a few minutes and thankfully the power came back on. I was beginning to wonder if I wasn't meant to make this trip, but after leaving at 6 a.m., my husband texted me a few minutes later that the power went back down right after I left! So here we are!
Yesterday we toured the Stampin' Up! Home Office and Distribution Center. I have visited here before, but Joanne had not.The building is beautiful, with a waterfall in the front atrium, which you can see the trees just a bit in the background of this picture. Stampin' Up! is known for their quality products and attention to detail, and this facility is a perfect example of just that!
We had a bit of an adventure on the bus heading to the Home Office. At a stoplight, our bus changed lanes and then had to stop and back up just a little bit when the light turned red. A little car behind us ran into the back of the bus! Neither vehicle was damaged, but we spent several minutes on the side of the road waiting for the police report. We were one of the last tours of the day, and so grateful we didn't miss out!
I will be back this evening with the Stamper's Dozen Blog Hop! Our theme this month is "Forever Friends". The hop starts tonight at 9 p.m Central, remaining up all day tomorrow, so be sure to come back to check it out and take the hop!
I am VERY EXCITED because today we get to see the NEW 2016/2017 ANNUAL CATALOG! squeeee! I won't be able to share anything with you until next week after the catalog goes live for all demonstrators worldwide, but I will be seeing, learning, and using new products over the next few days, so rest assured I will be sharing with you!
This is the LAST WEEK for the Weekly Deals, (sad face), but Stampin' Up! has given us a HUGE list of deals for the final hurrah!
Also, the 2016 Retiring List of Stamps and Accessories will be released on Monday, April 18. I will be posting it here on Monday!
You can place your order in my online store:
Remember while shopping:
All orders of any amount (except Online Class Orders) will receive a Thank You Project Packet in the mail.
Check the Weekly Deals and Clearance Rack for savings ranging from 25% to 60%.
When your order is at least $35 (before tax & shipping) and you use the April Hostess Code: TNCQA3QC you will receive the April Online Class; six cards, two each of three designs, with envelopes and instructions, FREE!
When your order (before tax & shipping) reaches $150, DON’T USE THE HOSTESS CODE, because you can choose free Stampin' Rewards starting at 10% of the total. You will still receive the monthly online class cards.
That’s all for now, until tomorrow, have a Stampingrox! Day!
All images ©Stampin' Up! ™1990-2016