Stampin' Up! Monday Morning Mess!
April 27, 2015
Hey there! I was unable to get back home in time yesterday to add the names of the Sunday Swap Day card creators because the transmission went out in my car on the way home from TN yesterday. I know God was watching over me because:
1. The transmission went out AFTER I got through all of the construction/car wreck zone on I-24. If it had went out during the hour or so of just crawling along at 10 mph I would have had no where to go to get out of the way.
2. When I pulled over to the side of the road, I was only about 1/4 of a mile from an exit and it was DOWNHILL all the way to the exit! I was able to coast my car to the exit. When I got to the end of the off-ramp there were no cars coming and I was able to coast the car right into a filling station!
3. After we determined it was the transmission (my husband & I via the phone) my husband was able to borrow his brother's trailer to drive down and get the car and me. I was still about three hours from home, so I was prepared to wait.
4. I didn't have to wait by myself very long. My husband is the song leader at our church, so he had to call our pastor to let him know he would be missing the evening service and why. Our pastor's father-in-law, Tom Malone, lives just minutes away from where I was stranded. He called his FIL, who then called me. Bro. Tom picked me up from the filling station, took me to the evening service at his church, then he & his family took me out for a snack and kept me company until Mark arrived to load the van.
5. Mark had help from Bro. Malone and his son-in-law, Rick, to get the van loaded and safely secured on the trailer, so we were on our way back to IL a little before 10 p.m.!
6. We arrived safely home around 1:30 a.m.
Needless to say, I slept in a little the morning, but when I got up I found this going on in my yard:
I immediately snapped this picture, which prompted one of the workers to knock on the door to see if I was upset with them. They had tried to knock on the door and even rang the doorbell, but I was sound asleep until I work up "thinking" I had heard the doorbell. I think they thought I was a little bit crazy because I told them I just thought it was funny and ironic that on the day we have to leave my van out in the drive instead of under the carport is the day the tree trimmers come to trim our trees for the power company!
Another funny thought, isn't the "WORK AREA AHEAD" sign they put in my yard supposed to be set up on a road????
Anyway, they were able to get the trees trimmed without any damage to my van, so it's all good!
That's all for now. I had a MOUNTAIN of laundry waiting for me when I got up this morning. My guys are pretty good about keeping things together around here when I'm gone, but the laundry got the best of them, I guess!
I'm going to go add the creator's names to yesterday's post and then get busy with my day! I have two parties this week and a presentation to make at the Spring Into Stamping event in Champaign, IL on Saturday! I have a lot to do!
Until tomorrow, have a Stampingrox! day!
All images ©Stampin' Up! ➩1990-2015