Petals-a-Plenty Christmas Tree!
To Love What We Do . . .

Christmas Grab-n-Go, and Half-price Purses, tomorrow, December 4th ONLY!

Remember this beauty?

Pink and brown

Tomorrow, December 4th ONLY, all of our in-stock, Non-holiday purses will be 50% OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1/2 Price on all our non-holiday purses tomorrow ONLY! That's makes a $40 purse (such as the one shown above)$20!!!  $30 Standard 4-square $15 (perfect for little girls), and a $20 Mini 4-square only $10 (for toddler girls)! We also have a few 9-square totes, regularly $50, will be $25! Come shop between 10 a.m. & 4 p.m.! These make great gifts!

Holiday-themed purses will be $25.

So RSVP to me NOW so you can come!!!!!

Here's a few of the projects we will be making (there are 9 different ones, ranging in price from $2 all the way up to $30, but the majority are $2 and $3 each. YOU PICK which ones you want to make and how many of them you want to make!

Giftcard holder:


Candywrapper Treat Box:


Doggy Treats:


So come on down and shop, stamp, and go!

Until tomorrow, have a Stampingrox! day!



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