Why I didn't blog yesterday & 2 workshop samples!
More Founder's Circle Samples and Time is Running Out to Get "Eat Chocolate"!

Just a quick post before I run out the door!

I'm just going to post real quick this morning before my youngest daughter & I run down to Paducah to Hancock Fabrics and Hobby Lobby to pick up a few things we need for the Scallop Square Holiday Purse Class this weekend! Friday night and Saturday morning are filled, but there's still space left in the 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. classes, so contact me today to reserve your seat! We have 4 sewing machines so can have 4 pursemakers per class!

I know you are dying to see something stamped, so here's a few pics of some fabric projects I took while at Founder's! These quilt squares' appliques were all made using the Big Shot & dies:

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©Stampin'Up!™1999-2010  Using ovals and leaves.

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©Stampin'Up!™1999-2010  using scallop circles & squares

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©Stampin'Up!™1999-2010 using circles and the Tasteful Trim Die

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©Stampin'Up!™1999-2010 Using Scallop Circles and the Candy Cane Designer buttons!

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©Stampin'Up!™1999-2010 Using Pennant Die, Ovals, Tasteful Trim & Candy Cane Buttons!

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©Stampin'Up!™1999-2010 Using Pennant, Star, & Tasteful Trim

Well, that's all for today! I must fly, as Paducah is about an hour drive away! There's no where less than an hour away from me that has fabric, and I'm way too addicted right now !

Until tomorrow, have a Stampingrox! day!


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