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A Good Friend & Flower Power Party!

The Most Pitiful Smile I've Ever Smiled!

Founder's 2010


Isn't this one of the most pitiful smiles you have ever seen? Yes, it really IS a smile, a smile of shock & joy, a smile of a dream-come-true! I just returned from the 2010 Stampin' Up! Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah where I was honored to receive the news that I had achieved the Founder's Circle trip! I earned this trip in 2008, but didn't earn it last year, so I thought it was just a fluke I earned it once, never dreaming I would earn it again. Imagine my complete shock & joy when during awards-booth check in on the first day of convention I was presented with this gorgeous Founder's Circle bag! Founder's Circle is awarded to the top 100 Demonstrators of the Year for the 2009-2010 Stampin' Up! year (which ended on June 30th), along with the U.S. & Canadian Rising Stars. A total of 130 Stampin' Up! demonstrators will be traveling to St. George, Utah in September for three days of rest, relaxation, and stamping fun! I still have to pinch myself to believe it! I have to say THANK YOU to you, my loyal and wonderful stamping friends, without you this would never, ever be possible!

Lots to do to get ready for Founder's Circle: swaps to prepare as there is a fun "Sock Hop Swap & Share" one evening, packing for relaxing, shopping, and visiting the Stampin' Up! Stamp Manufacturing Plant in Kanab, Utah! This trip is all-expenses-paid by Stampin' Up! (except for the shopping! lol!) and I can hardly wait for September 15th!

I arrived home late Sunday evening, and spent most of yesterday unpacking and sorting my swaps and Memento Mall purchases. (Keep an eye out for an adorable new grocery shopper bag I will be gifting to future hostesses!)

But it is also back-to-business with workshops this week and my "Christmas In July" Stamp-a-Stack this weekend! Here are three of the projects we will be making at this event:

"Perfect Punches":

Perfect Punches


"Contempo Christmas":

Contempo Christmas


"Holiday Hoopla":

   Holiday Hoopla


This event will be held at my home in Bonnie, Illinois. We will be making 10 cards, two each of 5 different designs with envelopes for the $20 fee or the class is free with a $50 order. Classes are set for Friday, July 30th, 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, July 31st, 10 a.m. & 2 p.m. Class size is limited to 8 per session, so let me know ASAP if you can come! A phone call or email will be fine!

Gotta run and cut some paper!




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sherrill graff

I am so happy for you. Can't wait to see you there!
and leave your blog address there as well.
sherrill graff [email protected]

Carol Payne

I already had cried, and cried some more again after that!

Becky A.

Congratulations again!!! Whoo Hoo. YOu look like you were about to cry :-). Blessings! Becky A.

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