Chip Chip Hooray! Chipboard Camp, May 30th & 31st!
Chip Chip Hooray! Chipboard Camp, May 30th & 31st Additional Projects!

Eight Pocket Gift book!

Pocket card for web This is NOT a project for my "Chip Chip Hooray! Stamp Camp, but it COULD be a project at a June or July hostess party! This cute and EASY little 8-pocket card/booklet is just adorable and I promised some of my customers at a party earlier this month that I would put pictures and directions on my blog. I've been a bad, bad, girl and haven't gotten it on here until now, but I hope you all will forgive me as I've had a son graduate from college, a son graduate from high school, made a trip to Nashville, TN, to pick up my youngest daughter, Alisa, from Bible College, plus we are celebrating Maddie Kate, my oldest granddaughter's 7th birthday this month as well as our dear son-in-law Tony turned 30 this month! By September we will have THREE 30 year-olds in our family, Tony, our son-in-law Johnny, and our daughter, Jessica!

Pockets for web ©Stampin'Up!™1990-2008

To make this book:

Start with a 12x12 sheet of Designer Series Paper. I used Afternoon Tea from the Occasions mini for this sample.

Score paper at 2", 6" and 10" across one side.

Turn paper 1/4' turn, score at 3", 6", 9".

Fold up 2" score lines and secure at ends of paper with SNAIL adhesive. Cut center 6" score line up 9 inches, leaving the final 3" scoreline uncut.

Accordian-fold along 3", 6", and 9" score lines. Fold uncut 3" scoreline. Secure bottom ends with SNAIL, then accordian-fold along previous folds to create book.

Punch holes through all layers with the Crop-a-dile, then tie ribbon through holes. Embellish as desired.

If these directions are clear as mud, email me at [email protected] or call me at 618-237-6281 and I will answer your questions or we can set a date for a party so I can show you how to make this project!


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