Eight Pocket Gift book!
May 22, 2008
To make this book:
Start with a 12x12 sheet of Designer Series Paper. I used Afternoon Tea from the Occasions mini for this sample.
Score paper at 2", 6" and 10" across one side.
Turn paper 1/4' turn, score at 3", 6", 9".
Fold up 2" score lines and secure at ends of paper with SNAIL adhesive. Cut center 6" score line up 9 inches, leaving the final 3" scoreline uncut.
Accordian-fold along 3", 6", and 9" score lines. Fold uncut 3" scoreline. Secure bottom ends with SNAIL, then accordian-fold along previous folds to create book.
Punch holes through all layers with the Crop-a-dile, then tie ribbon through holes. Embellish as desired.
If these directions are clear as mud, email me at [email protected] or call me at 618-237-6281 and I will answer your questions or we can set a date for a party so I can show you how to make this project!